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本来想把昨天《用VBS发送短信(飞信)》里的 VBS 程序改写成 PHP 的,不过为了不重复造轮子,事先 Google 了一下,发现已经有人实现了,详见PHP飞信发送类(PHPFetion)v1.2发布。好吧,既然已经有人把它封装成 PHP 类了,我就封装一个 VBS 类吧。

Class VBSFetion
    Private [$mobile], [$password], http

    'Author: Demon
    'Website: https://demon.tw
    'Date: 2011/6/11

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set http = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Call Logout()
        Set http = Nothing
    End Sub
    'mobile   手机号
    'password 登陆密码
    Public Function Init(mobile, password)
        [$mobile] = mobile
        [$password] = password
        str = Login()
        If InStr(str, "密码输入错误") Then
            Init = False
            Init = True
        End If
    End Function
    'mobile  对方手机号
    'message 发送内容
    Public Function SendMsg(mobile, message)
        If message = "" Then Exit Function
        If mobile = [$mobile] Then
            Send = ToMyself(message)
            uid = GetUid(mobile)
            If uid <> -1 Then Send = ToUid(uid, message, False)
        End If
    End Function
    'mobile  对方手机号
'   'message 发送内容
    Public Function SendShortMsg(mobile, message)
        If message = "" Then Exit Function
        If mobile = [$mobile] Then
            Send = ToMyself(message)
            uid = GetUid(mobile)
            If uid <> -1 Then Send = ToUid(uid, message, True)
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function Login()
        url = "/im/login/inputpasssubmit1.action"
        data = "m=" & [$mobile] & "&pass=" & [$password] & "&loginstatus=4"
        Login = Post(url, data)
    End Function
    Private Function Logout()
        url = "/im/index/logoutsubmit.action"
        Logout = Post(url, "")
    End Function
    Private Function ToMyself(message)
        url = "/im/user/sendMsgToMyselfs.action"
        message = "msg=" & message
        ToMyself = Post(url, message)
    End Function
    'uid 飞信ID
    'message 飞信(短信)内容
    'isshort True为短信,False为飞信
    Private Function ToUid(uid, message, isshort)
        If isshort Then
            url = "/im/chat/sendShortMsg.action?touserid=" & uid
            data = "msg=" & message
            url = "/im/chat/sendMsg.action?touserid=" & uid
            data = "msg=" & message
        End If
        ToUid = Post(url, data)
    End Function
    'mobile 手机号
    Private Function GetUid(mobile)
        url = "/im/index/searchOtherInfoList.action"
        data = "searchText=" & mobile
        str = Post(url, data)
        Set re = New RegExp
        re.Pattern = "/toinputMsg\.action\?touserid=(\d+)"
        If re.Test(str) Then
            Set ms = re.Execute(str)
            GetUid = ms.Item(0).Submatches(0)
            GetUid = -1
        End If
    End Function
    '发送HTTP POST请求
    Private Function Post(url, data)
        url = "http://f.10086.cn" & url
        http.open "POST", url, False
        http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        http.send data
        Post = http.responseText
    End Function
End Class


Set fetion = New VBSFetion
If fetion.Init("11122223333", "123456") Then
    fetion.SendMsg "44455556666", "Hello world"
    fetion.SendShortMsg "77788889999", "Hello world"
End If



  1. VBS创建系统服务
  2. C语言中的round函数
  3. JavaScript 类型的包装对象(Typed Wrappers)
  4. 一个VBS恶作剧程序的解密
  5. VBS中Run和Exec的区别

21 条评论 发表在“VBS短信飞信发送类(VBSFetion)”上

  1. PopEye说道:


  2. PopEye说道:

    Sorry,my fault. I forgot my fetion password, so I had to download fetion client software and install it to access the “forget your password” web page. Fortunately I got a “SMS password” to have the permission to login my fetion account. But I was not told that the “SMS password” is not equal to my fetion account password,and the VBScript that you coded above ran incorrectly.Now I add the fetion class to my VBscript of weather forecast to the specified cellphone at the specified time. The next step what I wanna do is to periodically send daily English idioms to my cellphone. All these is due to your talent and diligence. Thank you. I have to admit you are really a genius, even you will not become an attorney. Keep working hard, GO!!!

  3. daley说道:


  4. consam说道:


  5. consam说道:

    Public Function AddFris(nick, name, mobile) '添加好友
    url = "/im/user/insertfriendsubmit.action"
    data = "&nickname=" & nick & "&localName=" & name & "&number=" & mobile & "&buddylist=2&type=0"
    temp = Post(url, data)

    Set re = New RegExp
    re.Global = True
    re.IgnoreCase = True
    re.Pattern = "([^\x00-\xff]{8,})"
    If re.Test(temp) Then
    Set ms = re.Execute(temp)
    AddFris = ms.Item(0).Submatches(0)
    End If
    End Function

  6. delta说道:


  7. figoba说道:


  8. tommys说道:


  9. J.C.说道:


  10. an说道:

