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中文网上的垃圾代码我就不评论了,我已经词穷了。终于知道为什么不懂英语就学不好编程了,因为中文网站上的代码垃圾透了。不解释,你分别Google关键词“JavaScript 二进制文件”和“javascript binary file”,对比搜索出来的第一个网页就知道了。也行不同的时候搜出来的不一样,反正我搜出来的分别是如何用JavaScript读写二进制文件?Reading and Writing Binary Files Using JScript。什么是差距,这就是差距。

《Reading and Writing Binary Files Using JScript》,看到那一大段数组的代码我就折服了,一个一个敲得敲多久啊。

As I have pushed what I can do in JScript, I have come up against the issue of binary files. The following class solved this for small to medium size files. I am partly including this post here because I am about to put in a post about sending emails with attachments via JScript, and it will use this binary file code to read in the binary attachment files.


So, here is a nice way of accessing binary files from JScript. If you want to access this object from VBScript, then put it in a SWF file. This object has been used in anger to upload files to a Web Service, and has proven to be nice and fast for files in the 0-10 MB range.






  1. _open_osfhandle函数
  2. 用VBS获取屏幕分辨率
  3. Firefox插件JSView
  4. VB6拾遗:函数指针与CallWindowProc函数
  5. 在VC中编译运行程序的小知识点
