标题: VBS Scripting.Dictionary字典对象按键名Key进行冒泡排序
作者: Demon
链接: https://demon.tw/copy-paste/vbs-scripting-dictionary-ksort.html
版权: 本博客的所有文章,都遵守“署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆”协议条款。
最近加班比较多,代码写得有点乱,结果今天出现了个低级错误,原本想把Scripting.Dictionary对象的Item按照指定 fnCompare函数作用的Key字段排序,原本以为很简单,于是就拿了个普通的冒泡排序就用了起来,结果问题就出现了,这里有问题的代码如下:
Option Explicit Function fnCompare(key1, key2) If CInt(key1) > CInt(key2) Then fnCompare = 1 ElseIf CInt(key1) < CInt(key2) Then fnCompare = - 1 Else fnCompare = 0 End If End Function Function Sort(dict) Dim i,j, temp Dim keys,items For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1 For j = i + 1 To dict.Count - 1 keys = dict.Keys items = dict.Items If fnCompare(keys(i), keys(j)) > 0 Then ' 交换Item项目 temp = items(i) dict.Item(keys(i)) = items(j) dict.Item(keys(j)) = temp ' 交换Key键名 temp = keys(i) dict.Key(keys(i)) = keys(j) dict.Key(keys(j)) = temp End If Next Next End Function Sub VBMain() Dim dict Set dict = WSH.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dict.Add "2", "a" dict.Add "8", "b" dict.Add "1", "c" Sort dict Set dict = Nothing End Sub Call VBMain()
Windows 脚本宿主
脚本: D:\Sort.vbs
行: 28
字符: 9
错误: 此键已与该集合的一个元素关联
代码: 800A01C9
源: Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误—————————
Option Explicit Function fnCompare(key1, key2) If CInt(key1) > CInt(key2) Then fnCompare = 1 ElseIf CInt(key1) < CInt(key2) Then fnCompare = - 1 Else fnCompare = 0 End If End Function Function Sort(dict) Dim i,j, temp Dim keys,items Dim t ' 临时备份字典 Set t = WSH.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") keys = dict.Keys items = dict.Items ' 下面复制原字典到备份字典中 For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1 t.Add keys(i),items(i) Next ' 下面交换键key数组 For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1 For j = i + 1 To dict.Count - 1 If fnCompare(keys(i), keys(j)) > 0 Then temp = keys(i) keys(i) = keys(j) keys(j) = temp End If Next Next dict.RemoveAll ' 清除原数组 ' 读取已经排好序的key数组 ' 并添加到清空后的目标字典中 For i = 0 To UBound(keys) dict.Add keys(i), t.Item(keys(i)) Next ' 销毁备份字典 t.RemoveAll Set t = Nothing End Function Sub VBMain() Dim dict Set dict = WSH.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dict.Add "2", "a" dict.Add "8", "b" dict.Add "1", "c" Sort dict Set dict = Nothing End Sub Call VBMain()