标题: 用JavaScript实现Bencode算法
作者: Demon
链接: https://demon.tw/my-work/javascript-bencode.html
版权: 本博客的所有文章,都遵守“署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 2.5 中国大陆”协议条款。
很久以前,在写JavaScript版六维空间流量作弊工具的时候,需要用到Bencode算法。在《Bittorrent Protocol Specification》上面找到了一个JScript的实现,然而,不幸的是,上面的那个算法是错误的,程序会陷入死循环,用不了多久电脑就死机了。当时急于求成,用迂回的的方法完成了作弊工具,却一直没有完成Bencode算法。今天参考BitTorrent 5.3的Python源码,把JavaScript版的Bencode算法完成了。
/* * Author: Demon * Website: https://demon.tw * Email: 380401911@qq.com */ function decode_int(x, f) { f++; var newf = x.indexOf('e', f); var n = parseInt(x.substring(f,newf)); if (x.charAt(f) == '-' && x.charAt(f+1) == '0') { throw("ValueError"); } else if (x.charAt(f) == '0' && newf != f+1) { throw("ValueError"); } return [n, newf+1]; } function decode_string(x, f) { var colon = x.indexOf(':', f); var n = parseInt(x.substring(f,colon)); if (x.charAt(f) == '0' && colon != f+1) { throw("ValueError"); } colon++; return [x.substring(colon,colon+n), colon+n]; } function decode_list(x, f) { var r = []; f++; while (x.charAt(f) != 'e') { var a = decode_func[x.charAt(f)](x, f); var v = a[0]; f = a[1]; r.push(v); } return [r, f + 1]; } function decode_dict(x, f) { var r = {}; f++; while (x.charAt(f) != 'e') { var a = decode_string(x, f); var k = a[0]; f = a[1]; a = decode_func[x.charAt(f)](x, f) r[k] = a[0]; f = a[1]; } return [r, f + 1]; } decode_func = {}; decode_func['l'] = decode_list; decode_func['d'] = decode_dict; decode_func['i'] = decode_int; decode_func['0'] = decode_string; decode_func['1'] = decode_string; decode_func['2'] = decode_string; decode_func['3'] = decode_string; decode_func['4'] = decode_string; decode_func['5'] = decode_string; decode_func['6'] = decode_string; decode_func['7'] = decode_string; decode_func['8'] = decode_string; decode_func['9'] = decode_string; // x is a string containing bencoded data, // where each charCodeAt value matches the byte of data function bdecode(x) { try { var a = decode_func[x.charAt(0)](x, 0); var r = a[0]; var l = a[1]; } catch(e) { throw("not a valid bencoded string"); } if (l != x.length) { throw("invalid bencoded value (data after valid prefix)"); } return r; } /* * Author: Demon * Website: https://demon.tw * Email: 380401911@qq.com */ function encode_int(x,r) { r.push('i'); r.push(x+''); r.push('e'); } function encode_string(x,r) { r.push(x.length+''); r.push(':'); r.push(x); } function encode_list(x,r) { r.push('l'); for (var i in x){ var type = typeof(x[i]); type = (type == 'object') ? ((x[i] instanceof Array) ? 'list' : 'dict') : type; encode_func[type](x[i], r) } r.push('e'); } function encode_dict(x,r) { r.push('d'); var keys = [], ilist = {}; for (var i in x) { keys.push(i); } keys.sort(); for (var j in keys) { ilist[keys[j]] = x[keys[j]]; } for (var k in ilist) { r.push(k.length+''); r.push(':'); r.push(k); var v = ilist[k]; var type = typeof(v); type = (type == 'object') ? ((v instanceof Array) ? 'list' : 'dict') : type; encode_func[type](v, r); } r.push('e'); } encode_func = {}; encode_func['number'] = encode_int; encode_func['string'] = encode_string; encode_func['list'] = encode_list; encode_func['dict'] = encode_dict; function bencode(x) { var r = []; var type = typeof(x); type = (type == 'object') ? ((x instanceof Array) ? 'list' : 'dict') : type; encode_func[type](x, r); return r.join(''); }
function read(path) { var cp1252Chars = [/\u20AC/g,/\u201A/g,/\u0192/g,/\u201E/g,/\u2026/g,/\u2020/g,/\u2021/g,/\u02C6/g,/\u2030/g,/\u0160/g,/\u2039/g,/\u0152/g,/\u017D/g,/\u2018/g,/\u2019/g,/\u201C/g,/\u201D/g,/\u2022/g,/\u2013/g,/\u2014/g,/\u02DC/g,/\u2122/g,/\u0161/g,/\u203A/g,/\u0153/g,/\u017E/g,/\u0178/g]; var latin1Chars = ["\u0080","\u0082","\u0083","\u0084","\u0085","\u0086","\u0087","\u0088","\u0089","\u008A","\u008B","\u008C","\u008E","\u0091","\u0092","\u0093","\u0094","\u0095","\u0096","\u0097","\u0098","\u0099","\u009A","\u009B","\u009C","\u009E","\u009F"]; var binstream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); binstream.Type = 2; binstream.Charset = "iso-8859-1"; binstream.Open(); binstream.LoadFromFile(path); var s = binstream.ReadText(); for (var i = 0; i < 27; i++) s = s.replace(cp1252Chars[i], latin1Chars[i]); return s; } function write(buf, path) { var binstream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream"); binstream.Type = 2; binstream.Charset = "iso-8859-1"; binstream.Open(); binstream.WriteText(buf); binstream.SaveToFile(path, 2); } var str = read("foo.torrent"); try { var dic = bdecode(str); } catch (e) { WScript.Echo(e); WScript.Quit(); } /* get the announce url of the tracker */ var announce = dic["announce"]; /* get the name of the torrent */ var name = dic["info"]["name"]; /* get the number of files of the torrent (assuming a multi-file torrent) */ var number = dic["info"]["files"].length; /* get the size of the first file of the torrent (assuming a multi-file torrent) */ var number = dic["info"]["files"][0]["length"]; /* change the announce url */ dic["announce"] = "https://demon.tw"; /* and then encode it back to string */ var new_str = bencode(dic); /* then write it back to a torrent file * now the torrent's announce url has been changed to "https://demon.tw" */ write(new_str, "bar.torrent");
由于在Bittorrent Protocol Specification上面提交了算法实现,注释就用英文来写了,免得哪个老外通过链接进来却看不懂。
Hi Demon,
Thank you for your code. I guess you won’t have objections if I use a part of this code with the credit to you as an example in the comments of my implementation of Bencoding here
thanks for the code – but please add a license so we know what we are allowed to do.. best would be gpl 2 or 3 .
大哥,老外进来能看懂注释,天朝子民看不懂啊- -,又要翻译 – –