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WriteConsole fails if it is used with a standard handle that is redirected to a file.



int __stdcall stdcall_add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

int __cdecl cdecl_add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

int main()
    int x, y;
    x = stdcall_add(0x123, 0x456);
    y = cdecl_add(0x123, 0x456);
    return 0;


004010A8  |.  68 56040000   push    0x456
004010AD  |.  68 23010000   push    0x123
004010B2  |.  E8 4EFFFFFF   call    00401005                  ; __stdcall
                                                              ; 调用者不需要维持堆栈平衡
004010B7  |.  8945 FC       mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x4], eax
004010BA  |.  68 56040000   push    0x456
004010BF  |.  68 23010000   push    0x123
004010C4  |.  E8 41FFFFFF   call    0040100A                  ; __cdecl
004010C9  |.  83C4 08       add     esp, 0x8                  ; 由调用者维持堆栈平衡
004010CC  |.  8945 F8       mov     dword ptr [ebp-0x8], eax



Matthew Curland大神也提供了一个CDECLFunctionDelegator对象,由于版权原因,完整的代码我不会贴上来,仅摘抄核心的汇编代码注释(这属于著作权法中的合理使用,不算侵权):

'Here's the assembly code to translate a stdcall vtable call into
'a cdecl non-vtable call.  This code requires the stack size to be known.
'The whole point of this is to make a cdecl call, then clean the stack after
'the call so that it looks like a stdcall.  In order to do this, we need to
'store our data on the stack and then call the cdecl function.  This requires
'that we duplicate the parameters for the call above our stack data and push
'our own base pointer as a reference.  After the function returns, we use the
'base pointer to relocate our own values and remove the correct number of bytes
'from the stack.

'#define _PAGESIZE_ 0x1000
'push ebp                       // Run some prolog code
'mov ebp, esp                   // this = [ebp + 8], return = [ebp + 4], old ebp = [ebp]
'push esi
'push edi
'push ebx
'mov eax, [ebp + 8]             // Get this pointer
'mov ecx, [eax + 8]             // Get byte count into ecx
'mov ebx, ecx                   // Save the stacksize in ebx
'mov edi, esp                   // Make sure we have the stack safely loaded
'cmp ecx, _PAGESIZE_            // See if we need more than one page of stack
'jb short lastpage              // Note that this is very unlikely, but we must be safe.
'sub ecx, _PAGESIZE_            // yes, move down a page
'sub edi, _PAGESIZE_            // adjust request and...
'test DWORD PTR [edi], ecx      // ...probe it
'jmp short probepages           // Keep going
'sub edi, ecx                   // Do a final probe
'test DWORD PTR [edi], ecx
'mov ecx, ebx                   // Reload ecx in case probing changed it
'mov esi, ebp                   // Establish the source pointer for the stack copy
'Add esi, 12
'mov esp, edi                   // Move the stack down before we lose edi
'shr ecx, 2                     // Change the byte stack size in ecx to a DWORD count
'cld                            // Copy ascending
'rep movsd                      // Do the stack copy (the DWORD count is in ecx)
'call DWORD PTR [eax + 4]       // Make the cdecl function call (the this pointer is still in eax)
'mov ecx, ebp                   // Move the return value to the correct position on the stack
'add ecx, 8                     // Add to move past this and function return values
'add ecx, ebx                   // Add extra stack size
'mov esi, [ebp + 4]             // Get return address.  Use esi since eax/edx hold the return value.
'mov [ecx], esi                 // Assign return address to correct position on stack.
'mov esp, ebp                   // Move the stack and restore the saved registers
'sub esp, 12
'pop ebx
'pop edi
'pop esi
'pop ebp
'mov esp, ecx                   // Move the stack pointer down
'ret                            // return to the calling function



Option Explicit

Private Declare Function CoTaskMemAlloc Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal cb As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal pv As Long)
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
    Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" ( _
    dest As Any, ByVal numBytes As Long)

' __cdecl function delegator
' by Demon
' https://demon.tw

Private Type CFunctionDelegatorVTable
    VTable(3) As Long
End Type

Private Type CFunctionDelegator
    pVTable As Long
    pfn As Long
    StackSize As Long
    cRefs As Long
End Type

Private Type DelegateASM
    ASM(9) As Long
End Type

Private m_VTable As CFunctionDelegatorVTable
Private m_pVTable As Long
Private m_ReturnAddress As Long
Private m_DelegateASM As DelegateASM

Public Function CreateCFunctionDelegator( _
    ByVal pfn As Long, Optional ByVal StackSize As Long) As IUnknown

    Dim Struct As CFunctionDelegator
    Dim ThisPtr As Long
    If m_pVTable = 0 Then
        With m_VTable
            .VTable(0) = FuncAddr(AddressOf QueryInterface)
            .VTable(1) = FuncAddr(AddressOf AddRef)
            .VTable(2) = FuncAddr(AddressOf Release)
            With m_DelegateASM
                .ASM(0) = &H58FFF8B
                .ASM(1) = VarPtr(m_ReturnAddress)
                .ASM(2) = &H68FF8B58
                .ASM(3) = VarPtr(m_DelegateASM) + &H14
                .ASM(4) = &H900460FF
                .ASM(5) = &HC481FF8B
                .ASM(6) = StackSize
                .ASM(7) = &H35FFFF8B
                .ASM(8) = VarPtr(m_ReturnAddress)
                .ASM(9) = &HCCCCCCC3
            End With
            .VTable(3) = VarPtr(m_DelegateASM)
            m_pVTable = VarPtr(.VTable(0))
        End With
    End If
    ThisPtr = CoTaskMemAlloc(LenB(Struct))
    If ThisPtr = 0 Then Err.Raise 7
    With Struct
        .pVTable = m_pVTable
        .pfn = pfn
        .StackSize = StackSize
        .cRefs = 1
    End With
    CopyMemory ByVal ThisPtr, Struct.pVTable, LenB(Struct)
    ZeroMemory Struct.pVTable, LenB(Struct)
    CopyMemory CreateCFunctionDelegator, ThisPtr, 4
End Function

Private Function QueryInterface( _
    This As CFunctionDelegator, riid As Long, pvObj As Long) As Long

    With This
        pvObj = VarPtr(.pVTable)
        .cRefs = .cRefs + 1
    End With
End Function

Private Function AddRef(This As CFunctionDelegator) As Long
    With This
        .cRefs = .cRefs + 1
        AddRef = .cRefs
    End With
End Function

Private Function Release(This As CFunctionDelegator) As Long
    With This
        .cRefs = .cRefs - 1
        Release = .cRefs
        If .cRefs = 0 Then
            DeleteThis This
        End If
    End With
End Function

Private Function FuncAddr(ByVal pfn As Long) As Long
    FuncAddr = pfn
End Function

Private Sub DeleteThis(This As CFunctionDelegator)
    Dim tmp As CFunctionDelegator
    Dim pThis As Long
    pThis = VarPtr(This)
    CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(tmp), ByVal pThis, LenB(This)
    CoTaskMemFree pThis
End Sub


8BFF            mov     edi, edi                ; 对齐
8F05 XXXXXXXX   pop     dword ptr [XXXXXXXX]    ; XXXXXXXX为VarPtr(m_ReturnAddress)
                                                ; 即把返回地址保存到m_ReturnAddress
58              pop     eax                     ; this指针
8BFF            mov     edi, edi                ; 对齐
68 XXXXXXXX     push    XXXXXXXX                ; XXXXXXXX为VarPtr(m_DelegateASM) + &H14
                                                ; 即nop指令后一条指令mov edi, edi的地址
                                                      ; 这样C函数调用完后返回到mov edi, edi
FF60 04         jmp     dword ptr [eax+0x4]     ; 调用C函数
90              nop                             ; 对齐
8BFF            mov     edi, edi                ; 对齐
81C4 XXXXXXXX   add     esp, XXXXXXXX           ; XXXXXXXX为StackSize
                                                ; 即调用C函数后需要平衡的堆栈大小
8BFF            mov     edi, edi                ; 对齐
FF35 XXXXXXXX   push    dword ptr [XXXXXXXX]    ; XXXXXXXX为VarPtr(m_ReturnAddress)
                                                ; 即把返回地址入栈
C3              retn                            ; 函数返回
CC              int3                            ; 对齐
CC              int3                            ; 对齐
CC              int3                            ; 对齐

是不是比Matthew Curland大神的简单一些?



Option Explicit

Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" ( _
    ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long

Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" ( _
    ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long

' call __cdecl function
' by Demon
' https://demon.tw

Sub Main()
    Dim hModule As Long
    Dim pFunc As Long
    Dim Iprintf As Iprintf
    hModule = LoadLibrary("msvcrt.dll")
    If hModule Then
        pFunc = GetProcAddress(hModule, "wprintf")
        If pFunc Then
            Set Iprintf = CreateCFunctionDelegator(pFunc, 4)
            Iprintf.Call "Hello World"
        End If
    End If
End Sub


library NewLib

    interface Iprintf : IUnknown {
        long _stdcall Call([in] BSTR format);

为了能够看到控制台输出,还需要用PE工具(例如Load PE)把生成的EXE的子系统修改成Win32 Console。折腾了半天,终于看到了熟悉的Hello World。

不要高兴得太早,能够调用C函数指针只算成功了一半,一些C函数需要__cdecl函数指针作为参数,例如qsort,而VB的函数都是__stdcall函数。要想调用这类函数,又得费不少功夫,我是不想死脑细胞了,自己去找Matthew Curland的代码看看吧。我想除了他,没有人会变态到在VB中调用C标准库的qsort函数。





  1. 用bbPress搭建了一个VBS论坛
  2. 可以用CreateObject创建的WMI对象
  3. VBS和UAC用户帐户控制
  4. 微软NLS文件格式
  5. VBS面向对象编程与Me关键字

一条评论 发表在“VB6拾遗:调用C函数(__cdecl调用约定)”上

  1. 逍遥爱迪生说道:

    我QQ:2776478814,看了你的VB6技术很强呀,汇编也很厉害,欢迎加入VB7的群【78458582】(VISUAL FREEBASIC),中国人开发的VB ide工具,易语言是第一个,这个算是第二个了
