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在VBS中定义字节数组Byte()》一文中介绍了在 VBS 中定义字节数组的方法,本文介绍一下字节数组Byte()的处理方法。

'Author: Demon
'Website: https://demon.tw
'Date: 2012/2/22
Dim xmldoc, node, bytes
Set xmldoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set node = xmldoc.CreateElement("binary")
node.DataType = "bin.hex"
'demon.tw 的十六进制值为
'64 65 6D 6F 6E 2E 74 77
node.Text = "64656D6F6E2E7477"
bytes = node.NodeTypedValue
WScript.Echo VarType(bytes), TypeName(bytes)

这是昨天的代码,定义了一个内容为 demon.tw 的字节数组,VarType 函数返回8209(vbByte + vbArray),TypeName 函数返回 Byte()。


'Author: Demon
'Website: https://demon.tw
'Date: 2012/2/23
Dim xmldoc, node, bytes, t
Set xmldoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set node = xmldoc.CreateElement("binary")
node.DataType = "bin.hex"
'demon.tw 的十六进制值为
'64 65 6D 6F 6E 2E 74 77
node.Text = "64656D6F6E2E7477"
bytes = node.NodeTypedValue
WScript.Echo VarType(bytes), TypeName(bytes)
t = bytes(0)
'Microsoft VBScript runtime error (13, 1) : Type mismatch

哦,居然报错了。实际上,VBScript 并不知道怎样处理一个字节数组Byte(),它知道怎样处理 Byte 和 Array(),但是两者结合起来就不懂了。


'Author: Demon
'Website: https://demon.tw
'Date: 2012/2/23
Dim xmldoc, node, bytes, t
Set xmldoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set node = xmldoc.CreateElement("binary")
node.DataType = "bin.hex"
'demon.tw 的十六进制值为
'64 65 6D 6F 6E 2E 74 77
node.Text = "64656D6F6E2E7477"
bytes = node.NodeTypedValue
WScript.Echo VarType(bytes), TypeName(bytes)
t = MidB(bytes, 1, 1) 'MidB, not Mid
WScript.Echo t, VarType(t), TypeName(t), Len(t), LenB(t)


'Author: Demon
'Website: https://demon.tw
'Date: 2012/2/23
Dim xmldoc, node, bytes, i, t
Set xmldoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set node = xmldoc.CreateElement("binary")
node.DataType = "bin.hex"
'demon.tw 的十六进制值为
'64 65 6D 6F 6E 2E 74 77
node.Text = "64656D6F6E2E7477"
bytes = node.NodeTypedValue
WScript.Echo VarType(bytes), TypeName(bytes)
For i = 1 To LenB(bytes)
    t = MidB(bytes, i, 1)
    WScript.Echo t, VarType(t), TypeName(t), Len(t), LenB(t)



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一条评论 发表在“VBS字节数组Byte()的处理方法”上

  1. qiuqiu说道:

    Const SSFMOpenForRead = 0

    Dim Stream
    Set Stream = CreateObject(“SAPI.spFileStream”)
    Stream.Open “E:\test\China.txt”,SSFMOpenForRead
    Stream.Read Buffer,1024

    vartype(Buffer) = 8209
    typename(Buffer) = Byte()

